Thursday, May 08, 2008
About Me
- Name: Umour Ritual Specialists
- Location: New York, New York, United States
The Umour Ritual Specialists are Loudmouth Bill, Kane, Kol and Em. Ritual Specialists perform many Umourian disciplines including transportation, activation and observation. Each of the Ritual Specialist may perform any or all of these and others. Ritual Specialists are available together or separately, and may cross disciplines as needed. During Events and Event/Non-events the Umour Ritual Specialists are transported to the Event Site, where they observe and actuate the Umour Ritual. Each Ritual Specialist performs these and other disciplines accordingly.
Previous Posts
- I Write like Dan Brown!
- Rest in peace Mike Kemp
- The Fireplace
- My Mom on YouTube
- Scrooge is back!
- Chiquita With Frisbee
- A public service announcement from your friends at...
- Too Good To Be True Streetwalkers of San Francisco
- haircut
- Commuter Rats